Yamato Miyatake

Yamato Miyatake

Software Development Engineer

Bosch Japan


Yamato Miyatake is a software engineer at Bosch Japan , Cross-domain computing solutions. He has an experience in sensor development for driver assistance/automated driving. This consists of radar and camera perception development.

His research experience includes visuo-haptic interface and 3D food printing. He developed a projection-based visuo-haptic interface and a data embedding system inside food using a 3D food printer at Sato laboratory at Osaka University.


Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality by Embedding User-Imperceptible Tactile Display Control Signals in a Projected Image
Presented at IEEE TVCG'23 , IEEE VR'22 (Oral) , SIGGRAPH Asia'20 (Demo) , EuroHaptics'20 (Oral)
Unobtrusive Edible Tags using Food 3D Printing
Presented at ACM UIST'22 (Oral and Demo)


Journal Articles and Letters

"HaptoMapping: Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality by Embedding User-Imperceptible Tactile Display Control Signals in a Projected Image", IEEE Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2023.

Conference Papers (Oral)

"interiqr: Unobtrusive Edible Tags using Food 3D Printing", The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2022.
"Visuo-Haptic Display by Embedding Imperceptible Spatial Haptic Information into Projected Images", Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications – EuroHaptics 2020), 2020.

Conference Papers (Demo and Poster)

"Demonstration of interiqr: Unobtrusive Edible Tags using Food 3D Printing", The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2022.
"HaptoMapping: Visuo-Haptic AR System using Projection-based Control of Wearable Haptic Devices", In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Emerging Technologies, 2020.

Conference Papers (in Japanese)

"センサ内蔵スマートテーブルウェアの構築とロボットアームによるフィードバックの検討", 第66回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(SCI'22), 2022. 学生発表奨励賞
"3Dプリント食品内部への情報埋め込み", 情報処理学会 第84回全国大会講演論文集, 2022.
"HaptoMapping: 映像への不可視な情報埋め込みによる視触覚重畳提示", 情報処理学会 インタラクション2020論文集, 2020.

Education and Experience


  • MSc in Engineering

    Osaka University


  • BSc in Engineering

    Osaka University



Apr.2022 - Present
Software Engineer (Full time), Bosch Japan
Feb.2021 - Mar.2021
R&D Engineer (Internship), Sony
Sep.2017 - Oct.2017
Engineer (Internship), JAXA